Many people make this claim, but
why do so many run from the label of religion?
To define religious and religion is
not an easy task, because there isn’t really a consensus on what precisely, a
religion is.
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Why is there something rather than nothing? Because something transcends us. |
It seems that the word religion is being understood as an
insult in today’s language. This probably comes from newer generations coming
up through the works and seeing the problems that religions of the world create
and do not want to have any association with something that places their
relationship with Jesus in the same brackets as religions that demand killing
of Christians, for instance. But there is a serious issue with this. In the Bible,
Jesus teaches that “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of
righteousness, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs” (Matthew 5:10). What is it
that makes a person righteous? Righteousness cannot come from a single person.
If that were the case, then whose righteousness would be the correct
righteousness? The standard of righteousness is God. This standard of
righteousness must transcend humanity, otherwise we make righteousness be what
we want it to be, which would make this susceptible to change. For instance, is
it more righteous to be a blonde haired, white person, as opposed to being a
brunette, Jewish person? The Germans thought this was the case in the first
half of the 20th century. The point is, they were clearly wrong. If
we place the standard of righteousness on humanity, it will quickly crumble.
It is this Standard that makes a
person come to know what righteousness looks like. And through knowing what
this looks like, through access to the standard[2],
one can apply this righteousness to his or her own life and be partakers of the
divine nature.[3] So
because of our relationship with the Standard, we can also be righteous, and
only through that. This would ultimately be because of our devotion to what we
“Blessed are those who are persecuted
because of righteousness…” Does a religion make you righteous? If the religion
is the one true religion, then through such, someone will come to know what true
righteousness is. A religion does not make one righteous, but it definitely
plays some part. Human beings would not know what righteousness is without
religion. The religion of Christianity is not something to be ashamed of, but in
fact, much the opposite.
Persecution is something people
avoid in today’s world. The insult of being called religious is not out of the
realm of persecution. It seems that Jesus teaches that persecution in regards
to certain things is good. Tertullian, an early church father, said “The oftener
we are mown down by you, the more in number we grow; the blood of Christians is
seed.”[4] What
this means is that when a Christian is persecuted to the point of shed blood,
news of this persecution travels faster and more thoroughly than news that is
not about persecution. If someone were being murdered off in your town because
they are Christian, wouldn’t you hear about it eventually? Definitely! So would
the next several cities and towns. And today through media and the Internet,
the whole world has the potential to be informed. Do not avoid the word
religious or religion. Embrace the insults that come with it. Take all the
persecution you can get, so to speak. If it is true that persecution causes
news to travels faster and more thoroughly, the idea is that someone may learn
about Jesus who did not know about Him before. They might think, “I have to
find out why Christians are being persecuted.” After seeing the headline, “Christians
are being persecuted,” Someone might wonder what Christianity teaches and then
will learn about the gospel. If you are persecuted because of Christianity,
count it all joy. Be public about your religion.
Matthew 5:11— “You are blessed when
they insult you and persecute you and falsely say every kind of evil against
you because of me.”
You may have a relationship with
Christ, but you also have a religion… Don’t run from it, but explain it.
"Religion that God our Father
accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in
their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
—James 1:27[5]
Written by Nace Howell through the
grace of the Lord Jesus
© Nace Howell, 2019
Author’s definition.
The Bible.
[3] See
2 Peter 1:3-4.
[4] Tertullian.
“The Apology.” Latin Christianity: Its Founder, Tertullian. Ed. Alexander
Roberts, James Donaldson, and A. Cleveland Coxe. Trans. S. Thelwall. Vol. 3.
Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Company, 1885. 55. Print. The Ante-Nicene
[5] Thank you for the reminder, Rick!
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